Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just A Little Horoscope.

I usually don't pay any attention to them, but I decided just to look today to see what it said.  The first sentence I read sort of blew me away.  Here it is:

Despite quite a few recent nap attacks, your energy level isn't decreasing at all.

Anyone who knows me knows that the word nap and I go synonymous.  I'm not so sure about the energy level thing though.  So I would say that for not having read a horoscope for a couple of decades that that one was at least 50% right.  

I’m sort of glad that one was only 50% right.  If it had been 100% right, I’m sure I would be acting very stupid right now.  If it had been 0% right then I would have been acting very smug and probably condescending which are two traits I don’t care  for at all.

So do I believe in horoscopes?  Of course not, unless they are correct that is. :)

Everyone take care today.