Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Yesterday went smoothly at the doctor's office.  Just some questions and a set up for a procedure.  It's something I've have done some years before and it's not too bad. 

Now lets return home to where I really wouldn't liked to be.  I get home and my sil says we had another emergency.  Basically she's talking about something breaking in the house.  Well this time the house didn't do it, my sil did.  The sewer line has been stopped up and we had a flood about three days ago.  We've called these people who flush it out, but they haven't been able to show up yet.  So after the flood I pulled out my steam vac and suck up all the water and clean the carpet.  Yesterday afternoon in all her wisdom my sil decided to use the washer and wash some bed spreads.  Now this isn't an emergency like dirty underwear, it's something that could have waited.  I get home, go back to my bedroom and my feet begin to squish.  My sil laughs and tells me she tried to wash something and the water backed up again.  Now I'm not the smartest person in the world, but wouldn't you think that after the water backed up one time from washing that it would do it again until you got it fixed.  So more using the steam vac and putting up fans to dry the carpet.  I do look forward to moving.  At least if I have to clean any mess it will be of my own making.

We're expecting snow this afternoon and tonight.  I think if FMom was alive, this year would be a big thing for her since she loved snow so much. 

Well everyone stay warm and take care.



  1. Well I have to admit that I previously thought it would be a shame for you to have to leave the house but after reading this story, I think it's too bad you can't move out in the next 5 minutes.

    Glad to hear about doctor's office visit being not so bad.

  2. Hi Andi,

    I used to think it would be nice to stay here, but if I was here by myself, I wouldn't be able to keep up the house or the yard. Plus it's time the family goes ahead and gets this house out of the way. I take it housing sales are not so bad down here. Some relatives just put up their house for sale and it's already sold. Anyway, I'll be glad to be on my own again.

  3. Glad the Dr visit wasn't too bad. On to the procedure. And I hope you get a place on your own soon!

  4. Hi Mary,

    I've had the procedure before so nothing to worry about. Thanks for the hoping soon, I am too. :)

  5. FM, you are extraordinarily patient with that SIL! The woman seems to have the brains of a fruit fly. Perhaps you need to put up signs on every possible water source, saying, in effect" You run it, you mop up the mess". Or just change the locks! (I know, that isn't possible, and not nice, either. It just irritates me that anyone would make you slip out of slack-dom more than once!)

    I hope you get your procedure over with soon, and get on to packing up your stuff and getting out of there.

  6. Hi KS,

    I go by what FMom used to say, "Keep peace in the family." Sometimes it's difficult, but I've seen families at all out war, and I think this is the best and most slackerly way. ;)
